1997.9 - 2001.7 曲阜师范大学物理工程学院 本科
2001.9 - 2006.5 山东大学物理与微电子学院 研究生
2006.8 - 2008.7 中国科学技术大学物理系 博士后
2008.9 u2013 2008.12曲阜师范大学物理工程学院 讲师
2009.1 - 至今 曲阜师范大学物理工程学院 副教授
k.p 理论;
中国博士后基金 3万 2006.8 - 2008.7
校科研启动基金 3万 2009.1 - 2011.12
2006.6 山东大学、山东省优秀毕业生
2005.01 山东高等学校优秀科研成果奖,(自然科学类二等奖,第3位),“铁磁/有机系统的自旋态研究”
J. Y. Fu and M. W. Wu, “Spin orbit coupling in bulk ZnO and GaN”, J. Appl. Phys.104, 093712 (2008).
J. Y. Fu, M. Q. Weng, and M. W. Wu, “Spin orbit coupling in bulk GaAs”, Physica E40, 2890 (2008).
J. Y. Fu, D. S. Liu, and S. J. Xie, “Polarons and bipolarons in the presence of magnetic field”, Physica E40, 915 (2008)
J. Y. Fu, J. F. Ren, X. J. Liu, D. S. Liu, and S. J. Xie, “Dynamics of charge injection into an open conjugated polymer: A nonadibatic approach”, Phys. Rev. B 73, 195401 (2006).
J. Y. Fu, J. F. Ren,D. S. Liu, and S. J. Xie, “Polarons and bipolarons in polythiophene contacted with half-metallic ferromagnetic manganite”, Thin Solid Films 503,196 (2006)
J. Y. Fu, J. F. Ren, D. S. Liu, and S. J. Xie, “Interlayer Exchange Coupling in One-Dimensional CMR Manganite/Organic semiconductor/CMR Manganite System”, Synthetic Metals 156, 370 (2006).
J. Y. Fu, J. F. Ren, D. S. Liu, and S. J. Xie, “Spin polarization study on one-dimensional ferromagnetic metal/conjugated polymers”, Thin Solid Films 477,212 (2005).
J. F. Ren, J. Y. Fu, D. S. Liu, L. M. Mei, and S. J. Xie, “Spin-polarized current in a ferromagnetic/organic system”, J. Appl. Phys. 98, 074503 (2005).
J. F. Ren, J. Y. Fu, D. S. Liu, L. M. Mei, and S. J. Xie, “Diffusion theory of spin injection into organic polymers”, J. Phys.: Condens. Matter 17, 2341 (2005).
J. F. Ren,J. Y. Fu, D. S. Liu, L. M. Mei, and S. J. Xie, “Spin polarized injection and transport in organic polymers” Synthetic Metals 155,611 (2005).
Y. Li, X. J. Liu, J. Y. Fu, D. S. Liu, S. J. Xie, and L. M. Mei, “Bloch oscillations in a one-dimensional organic lattice”, Phys. Rev. B 74, 184303 (2006).
X. J. Liu, K. Gao, J. Y. Fu, Y. Li, J. H. Wei, and S. J. Xie, “Effect of the electric field mode on the dynamic process of a polaron”, Phys. Rev. B 74, 172301 (2006).
S. J. Xie, J. F. Ren, J. Y. Fu, K. H. Ahn, D. L. Smith, A. R. Bishop, and A.Saxena, “Basic Properties of Spin Injection and Transport in Ferromagnetic/Polymer Systems ”, In: Progress in Ferromagnetism Research, ISBN 1-59454-335-6, Chapter 4, Editor: V.N. Murray, pp. 67-84, 2005 Nova Science Publishers, Inc.
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