哈根斯 - 基本简介
哈根斯 - 所获荣誉
1867年与威廉·阿伦·米勒共同获得英国皇家天文学会(The Royal Astronomical Society)的金牌奖。
1898年获颁科普利奖章(Copley Medal)
1901年获颁亨利德雷珀奖章 (Henry Draper Medal)
1904年获颁布鲁斯奖章(Bruce Medal)
月球的哈金斯环形山(Huggins crater)
(2635) 哈金斯
哈根斯 - 出版作品
Spectrum analysis in its application to the heavenly bodies. Manchester, 1870 (Science lectures for the people; series 2, no. 3)
(with Lady Huggins): An atlas of representative stellar spectra from [lambda] 4870 to [lambda] 3300, together with a discussion of the evolution order of the stars, and the interpretation of their spectra; preceded by a short history of the observatory. London, 1899 (Publications of Sir William Huggins’s Observatory; v. 1)
The Royal Society, or, Science in the state and in the schools. London, 1906.
The scientific papers of Sir William Huggins; edited by Sir William and Lady Huggins. London, 1909 (Publications of Sir William Huggins’s Observatory; v. 2)