今年夏天,刚刚走红不久的Gnarls Barkley将在英国举行一系列的演出。首先,Gnarls Barkley将在6月23日和6月24日在伦敦和利兹举办 两场演出。而在7月5日,Gnarls Barkley组合的首场主打演出在伦敦的Hammersmith Apollo体育场举行。8月26日,他们还将在Creamfields演 出。
互联网的出现,除培育了无数“电车男”外,还为乐坛带来不少冲击。比如最近在英国,便有一队靠互联网起家的二人组合Gnarls Barkley, 成为全世界首个连唱片也未出,却单凭网上下载次数登上单曲榜No.1的音乐单位,同时象征着一场互联网的音乐革命正式展开!
Gnarls Barkley的两名成员分别是音乐制作人危险老鼠(Danger Mouse,本名布莱恩.伯顿Brian Burton)和说唱歌手Cee-Lo。首张CD作 《Crazy》在4月3日才正式推出市面,但之前在多家网上音乐商店如iTunes等下载得到,《Crazy》也凭借之前超过3万次的下载次数,轻易成为 当时英国CD榜第1位!
《Crazy》在短短3分钟内涵盖Hip-Hop、Funky、Dance等元素,Cee-Lo的演绎也充满灵歌味道。背后的的音乐大脑“Danger Mouse”曾将The Beatles的《The White Album》与Jay-Z的《The Black Album》Remix为一体,成为他那张惊为天人的《The Grey Album》,这也吸引了 Gorillaz找他监制他们的第2张专辑《Demon Days》。
据悉,Gnarls Barkley之所以这样做是为了他们能够把所有精力放到下一支单曲《Smiley Faces》上面,而这支单曲于7月17日正式发行。 Gnarls Barkley组合在一份声明中说:“我们是现实主义者。做出这个决定也是让我们非常痛苦的,但痛苦有时候也是美丽的,事情就是这样 。”《Crazy》是英国流行音乐排行榜有史以来第一首仅靠网络下载的销量就获得单曲榜冠军的歌曲,而且是自从Wet Wet Wet组合1994年的单 曲《Love Is All Around》以来在英国单曲榜榜首停留时间最长的单曲。
2008年4月1日,这对音乐鬼才带着他们的第二张音乐作品再闯乐坛,打出标题《Odd Couple》,让人不禁期待这回是一张混合着怎么奇思妙想的音乐作品。
首支主打单曲《Run》结合了Danger Mouse充满活力且创新的制作和主唱Cee-Lo热情洋溢的福音唱腔创造了另一首将成为年度单曲的佳作。
《The Odd Couple》带着有趣的创造性让这组由首张专辑《St. Elsewhere》在乐坛大鸣大放的二人,再度扩展结合着能量、灵骚和心理趣味的音乐元素,让奈尔斯u2027巴克利成为21世纪最关键的表演组合。
从专辑中带着催眠的《Charity Case》开场,《The Odd Couple》的13首作品展现奈尔斯u2027巴克利无法预测的功力。《Whou2019s Gonna Save My Soul》混合着忧郁的摩城抒情曲风及蓝调韵味。《Surprise》则是带有内省的歌词配上快乐的合声与爵士韵律。最后在带着感谢之心有鼓舞人的最末曲《A Little Better》中结束。
专辑《St. Elsewhere》
1. Go-Go Gadget Gospel
2. Crazy
3. St. Elsewhere
4. Gone Daddy Gone
5. Smiley Faces
6. The Boogie Monster
7. Feng Shui
8. Just A Thought
9. Transformer
10. Who Cares
11. On Line
12. Necromancer
13. Storm
14. The Last Time
专辑《The Odd Couple》
1. Charity Case
2. Who's Gonna Save My Soul
3. Going On
5.Would-Be Killer
6. Open Book
7. Whatever
8. Surprise
9. No Time Soon
10. She Knows
11. Blind Mary
12. Neighbours
13. A Little Better
Gnarls Barkley - Crazy
I remember when, I remember, I remember when I lost my mind
There was something so pleasant about that phase.
Even your emotions had an echo
In so much space
And when you're out there
Without care,
Yeah, I was out of touch
But it wasn't because I didn't know enough
I just knew too much
Does that make me crazy
Does that make me crazy
Does that make me crazy
And I hope that you are having the time of your life
But think twice, that's my only advice
Come on now, who do you, who do you, who do you, who do you think you are,
Ha ha ha bless your soul
You really think you're in control
Well, I think you're crazy
I think you're crazy
I think you're crazy
Just like me
My heroes had the heart to lose their lives out on a limb
And all I remember is thinking, I want to be like them
Ever since I was little, ever since I was little it looked like fun
And it's no coincidence I've come
And I can die when I'm done
Maybe I'm crazy
Maybe you're crazy
Maybe we're crazy