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当前位置:首页 - 舞曲 - ElectroHouse - Andrew Spencer - Pit Bailay - Fairytale Gone Bad (Sean Finn Remix Edit)
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Andrew Spencer - Pit Bailay - Fairytale Gone Bad (Sean Finn Remix Edit)歌词信息介绍
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Im Always Here Baywatch Theme - Andrew Spencer/Pit Bailay
Some people stand in the darkness
Afraid to step into the light
Some people need to help somebody
When the edge of surrender's in sight
Don't you worry
It's gonna be alright
'Cause I'm always ready
I won't let you out of my sight
I'll be ready
Never you fear
I'll be ready
I won't let you out of my sight
I'll be ready
I'll be ready
Never you fear
No don't you fear
I'll be ready
Forever and always
I'm always here
I'll be ready
I'll be ready
Never you fear
No don't you fear
I'll be ready
Forever and always
I'm always here
In us we all have the power
But sometimes it's so hard to see
And instinct is stronger than reason
It's just human nature to me
Don't you worry
It's gonna be alright
'Cause I'm always ready
I won't let you out of my sight
I'll be ready
Never you fear
I'll be ready
I won't let you out of my sight
I'll be ready
I'll be ready
Never you fear
No don't you fear
I'll be ready
Forever and always
I'm always here
I'll be ready
I'll be ready
Never you fear
No don't you fear
I'll be ready
Forever and always
I'm always here
I'm always here
I'm always here
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