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当前位置:首页 - 舞曲 - 说唱歌曲 - Pitbull - Back Up
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Yeah Pitbull
Db Big star
Oh oh
Haters in the club (back up)
Gold diggers (back up)
Broke niggas (back up)
I suggest I suggest that you (back up)
I'm in the club and I cut into the scene
Couple of pair fray fool smocking the green
She's got her hand on my nuts what does that mean
Pointed at her friends and she said there tag team
Now who said dreams don't come true
It's like I'm dreaming when I come through
I always find something to run through
Speak into the mic mami mic check one two (ha ha ha)
Drunk in the club off the chain
But who gives a F**k that's why I came
So pour it up and get down
You have no choice but to listen to pit now
Put your a** in reverse baby (back up)
It don't involve money then (back up)
Doggy for me and (back up)
Every time I fall I get right (back up)
Haters in the club (back up)
Gold diggers (back up)
Broke niggas (back up)
I suggest I suggest that you (back up)
Everybody knows Pits got tight raps
When I'm in the club DJ's bring it back
When those questions asked but the number one question is (does he got cash )
Lil Jon's at the bar while me and the eastside boys smoke out
Roll another one no doubt
Get a couple hoes roll out
Beef you don't want non to go down
Dum de de dum dum that's my style
The city in from is coming with better riles
That ol make your crew run run your crew run run
It's nice to cum huh
Put your a** in reverse baby (back up)
It don't involve money then (back up)
Doggy for me and (back up)
Every time I fall I get right (back up)
Haters in the club (back up)
Gold diggers (back up)
Broke niggas (back up)
I suggest I suggest that you (back up)
I convinced mami to creep in the dl
Even though my head is spinning like some Sprewell's
Skip the details
It's the bottom line that's testing my patience I got this
I'm not impressed by the cool sh*t
All those jeans all that ice all them cars all that's bullshit
If that's what you're looking for keep looking hoe
Cuz you got the wrong one b**ch ill let ya know
Mami's like damn that groupie shout out
B**ch I came to the club to wild out
If you came to act up
Then you came to get from me b**ch and um back up
Put your a** in reverse baby (back up)
It don't involve money then (back up)
Doggy for me and (back up)
Every time I fall I get right (back up)
Put your a** in reverse baby (back up)
It don't involve money then (back up)
Doggy for me and (back up)
Every time I fall I get right (back up)
Haters in the club (back up)
Gold diggers (back up)
Broke niggas (back up)
I suggest I suggest that you (back up)
Haters in the club (back up)
Gold diggers (back up)
Broke niggas (back up)
I suggest I suggest that you (back up)
Woo ha
Some one dog in telling ya man
They can't deny us dog
Too strong of a movement
Three oh five
Get ready
The revolution
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